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Top 10 images by rating
1 . Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
2 016 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
3 017 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
4 1 Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
5 10 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
6 2 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
7 3 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
8 88 Alex Kari's Best Friend 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
9 :) Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
10 :) John Samuels Family 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by votes
1 . Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
2 016 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
3 017 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
4 1 Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
5 10 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
6 2 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
7 3 Alex Kari Alone 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
8 88 Alex Kari's Best Friend 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
9 :) Alex Friends 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
10 :) John Samuels Family 0.00 (0 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by hits
1 The Koi Fish John Samuels Honoring Kari 101789
2 Special Tribute John Samuels Tributes from Friends & Family 95856
3 Kari & Samantha John Samuels Family 93589
4 Chilling John Samuels Family 40869
5 Kari & Jesse John Samuels Kari & Jesse 40507
6 :) John Samuels Family 38350
7 017 Alex Kari Alone 37987
8 10 Alex Kari Alone 37321
9 Kari & Jesse John Samuels Kari & Jesse 35718
10 3 Alex Kari Alone 35336
Top 10 images by downloads
1 Lin Run John Samuels Kari Alone 10
2 Pastor Larry John Samuels Friends 10
3 Free at Last John Samuels Kari Alone 7
4 Graduation 2006 John Samuels Kari Alone 7
5 Class of 2006 John Samuels Family 6
6 Funny Eyes John Samuels Kari Alone 6
7 Kari & David John Samuels Johnson's 6
8 car3 Alex Kari Alone 5
9 Kari (black & white) John Samuels Kari Alone 5
10 DanceDay John Samuels Friends 4