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2007-08-25 | (n.a.)
Karisa, I know you're up there looking out for me everyday. I love you so much, I miss you more and more everyday. I pray every day for you and your family. You're always in my heart. Heart Laura
becky sims
2007-08-15 | (n.a.)
Wow. This tribute is absolutely amazing. I only met Kari once, through a friend.. but she was amazing, a very sweet girl. When I heard about the accident, I cried my eyes out even though I didn't know any of the girls. I hope all is well and everything is okay.

Heart becky
John Samuels
2007-08-10 | (n.a.)
Kari, I've been thinking about you so much, I miss you! As we were on the airplane traveling to Scotland, I looked out the window and the only stars in the sky were the stars of the big dipper so I knew you were with us in spirit, I wish it was in person!!!

Love Dad Heart
Walker Bragman
2007-07-30 | (n.a.)
I am so sorry...this site is beautiful, karisa was beautiful. i met some of your family in yellowstone. I really am sorry.
2007-07-14 | (n.a.)
John & Denise, Thank-you sooo much for sharing Kari's life with us at the memorial service. I know it had to be hard but what an honor to kari's life, her love, and her compassion. She was blessed to have family & friends who loved her so much. You're in my prayers as you continue to take one step and one day at a time.
2007-07-13 | (n.a.)

I just want you to know that I still think about you every day. You were an amazing person and nobody will ever forget you. I love you Kar, I always have and I always will. Rest in peace angel Heart
Annie, Carl, Matt & David
2007-07-13 | (n.a.)
I look back and realize how Kari embraced life fully, almost fearlessly, as if she knew her time here would be short. I can still see her beautiful smile and how she brightened up a room with her presence. God allowed us 17 wonderful years with her and blessed us with her love. She was our sunshine and
though we no longer bask in her light, we'll always fee the warmth of her love. We have peace of mind and comfort knowing that Kari is with our Lord up above. With Love,
Annie, Carl, Matt & David
Jackie Tieuli
2007-07-13 | (n.a.)
My thoughts and prayers are with you guys today. I wish the boys and I were still there to be with everyone today and tomorrow. We love you and miss you.

John Samuels
2007-07-13 | (n.a.)
God Bless each and everyone whose life that has been touched by Kari and also to those who have contributed to Kari's website.

K ind
A rtistic
R emarkable
I nteresting
S pecial
A n Angel

We miss you sooo much!!
Darleen Lucci
2007-07-06 | (n.a.)
John, Denise & Jesse,
My prayers are with you and I pray for God's peace and stength for you as you hold Kari's special service. I will most definately be there. Kari has touched so many lives that continues on and on. I feel so blessed to have known her. As you remember all your good times with her close your eyes and embrace the love she had for each of you. Please know I am here if you ever just need to talk or anything.
God Bless,
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