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Rachel Sporrer
2006-12-23 | (n.a.)
hey again,
I just wanted to let you guys know that me and all my friends are putting a memorial show together for kari and maddy. Its going to be on Jan 20th at the vets club. all the money that we get, we are going to either buy some sort of a memorial type thing or somehow give it to your family and the Lind's family. Its going to be a really good time and all of their friends are just to get together and have a good time in memory of them. Im pretty sure Jesse's going to go, and it would be nice to see you guys too. I hope you all are doing well. Your family and Kari are in my prayers everynight.

Diane Sakal Gutierrez
2006-11-24 | (n.a.)
Dear John, Denise and Jesse,
Though I never had the opportunity to know Kari, I feel the tragedy of her loss for you and her entire family. Having grown up with Jackie and the Samuels family, I know the kind of loving environment that surrounded Kari and how blessed you all were to have her in your lives. I know there are no perfect words to ease your pain. When my husband's 19 year old grandson was killed in a car accident, it seemed to make no sense that such a young person on the brink of his future would be taken from us. What helped my husband and I was the belief that he was in Heaven with God, the ultimate reward for a life well lived.
May your memories bring you comfort.
Diane Sakal Gutierrez Heart
Kevin Lenz
2006-11-19 | (n.a.)
Dear John:
It was a pleasure meeting you last week; but, of course, I can’t help but wish that we had met under better circumstances. As you know, I had never met Kari in life, but after speaking with you and viewing her wonderful website -especially the slide show- I now feel that I do know her just a little. The sweet, yet mischievous look in her eyes in some photos really reminds me of my own daughter, Diana. I do believe that when bereaved parents meet in real life, that their children meet in heaven. Your website is awesome, and a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter, Kari! Please give Denise our love, and I hope you’ll contact us again when you’re ready.

Jackie Tieuli
2006-11-17 | (n.a.)
John, Denise & Jesse,
I miss you guys..I think of you every single day. I did not know you guys did this wonderful site something prompted me to google Kari's name because I often think of you guys and I love seeing the pics people have put together of Kari, it helps me feel like I get to know her a little better since I have lived far away from you guys for along time. I'll never forget coming down to PA for Jenny's wedding and waiting in the foyer of the church for the rest of the family I remeber Kari walking in and thinking to myself, that young woman is so cute, I love her hair. Next, I see Denise with her and I was shocked that that lovely young lady was my baby cousin! She was a beautiful person, inside and out. You guys are in our prayers. We love and miss you guys
Love, Jackie, Cameryn and Cole
Helen Samuels
2006-11-09 | (n.a.)
To comfort others does not necessitate that we remove someones pain. However, as a family we move alongside with you John, Denise and Jesse as you are suffering. We want you to know you are not alone we are all here to help you through the loss of Kari. As we know Kari's 18th Birthday is approaching we will all be thinking of her. The day she was born she brought so much joy into our lives. This year she will be celebrating her birthday with Jesus and His Angels. Kari is our Angel! We Miss and Love Kari so much!
Grandma Samuels
Fred Peterson
2006-11-05 | (n.a.)
Kari was different than any other person that i knew. she was the nicest person i had ever met. when i first met her, she was nice to me and it suprised me because alot of people really dont like me at all, at least untill they get to know me. being with kari made me feel better about myself in some strange way, i dont know how to describe it. i remember one time after school, we took the activity bus. it was after because i had detention and she had to do some testing. we sat in front of the intermediate high school for a half an hour and just talked. we got to lisening to my ipod on the bus, and she was dancing to reel big fish and singing along, she didnt care if people were looking at her like crazy, but thats my best memory of kari. it might not seem like much, but it was one of the few times i was really happy that year. i will never forget kari, ever and not a day goes by where i dont think of her.
Ashley Bonazza
2006-11-03 | (n.a.)
i dont even know what to say, except for im sorry for what happened. i was with Kari that night, and the first time really hanging out with her i knew she was so full of life. she didn't care what people thought about her and i loved that quality about kari.

she will never be forgotten and will remain in everyone's heart for our lifetime.

rest in peace kari
Rachel Sporrer
2006-11-01 | (n.a.)
this goes to the whole samuels family,
i havent really talked to you guys sence the viewing and i just wanted to see how everyone is doing, i know for myslef its hard so i cant imagine how it is for you. i just wanted to say that you did a wonderfull job raising a beautiful young lady. i think about kari everyday and we all miss her so much. i met kari through school and im so glad that i met her, she changed my life for the better. this sight is so awesome and it really shows what an amazing person she was. i hope you all are doing okay. i pray for you everyday.

Rebecca Weiskind
2006-11-01 | (n.a.)
Hello John. I am the artist that drew the picture of Kari you featured on the front page of this lovely tribute to what seemed a beautiful soul. I never knew your daughter, but when I heard of her death and the impact it had made on Kate, my ex boyfriend's sister, I was devastated. I knew the perilous road the tragedy happened on. After speaking with Debbie Sage about it, I was just inspired by Kari's light to capture her. I am flattered you found the picture worthy enough for such a page as this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and may you find mirth throughout this hard time. November is a hard month for me as well so I empathize and I will pray for you.
Debbie Sage
2006-10-30 | (n.a.)
8-0 What a beautiful tribute to your daughter Heart Sometimes when I miss Kari, I go to myspace to see her and reflect upon her life and friendship with Kate. Now I have this. I miss the girls being together and sharing in some of their fun and laughter. I know that her birthday is coming up and your whole family as well as her friends will grieve all over again. For that I am so sorry. I have been praying for you and will continue to pray for you and your family.
love always , debbie
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