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2018-11-26 | (n.a.)
Dearest Kari,
Thinking of you on what should have been
your 30th birthday. Please continue to send your love Heart to your Mom, Dad, and Jesse and all of us who were blessed to know you.
With love,
Patty Kochis Heart
John, Denise & Jesse
2017-11-26 | (n.a.)
Heart Happy Birthday Kari Heart
Please take care of Gran & Aunt Karen
2016-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy Birthday Kari! Love and miss you so much8-0
Katelyn Marshall
2016-09-30 | (n.a.)
Hi Kari, I miss you so much. After all these years you are still my best friend. I wish, more than anything, that we could have walked through our twenties together, traveled together, and had all the adventures we were meant to. I was such a shy person, constantly trying to be louder and weirder than everybody to mask my insecurities... you saw through all of that and allowed me to let down my walls, you accepted me for me. I cherish our friendship, and am so grateful that you were a part of my life. I am proud of who I am today, what I have accomplished, and that is largely because of the impact you have had on my life.

Patty Kochis
2016-07-13 | (n.a.)
Dear Denise, John and Jesse,
I marked today on my calendar as soon as the month of July started. I didn't want to forget the exact day. I hoped that I would see all three of you over the Fourth of July...and I did...and I remembered the last time that I saw Kari.
Earlier in the month, I also came to Kari's website and read many pages from many of the years since your angel with the precious heart left us here on Earth.
I read the July 13, 2013 entry from Deb Sage and she talked about the reminder that she received from the star registry that registered Kari's star. I remembered the special event that you had at Oak Hollow Park when you shared the information about Kari's very own star.
Please know that we all love and care for the three of you. We hurt with you...but none of us can feel the depth of your loss...that is known to only to the three of you.
Patty Kochis
Debbye Shackelford and Melinda Dishong
2015-12-30 | (n.a.)
Melinda and I donated clothing and money to a Seneca Valley senior who is collecting clothing to sell as a way to raise money for an orphanage in China. She is an exchange student from China and she worked at the orphanage last summer. She realized that many of the special needs children there would never be adopted due to their disabilities. The orphanage is very poor so the money will be used for toys, clothing and other
necessities. These children may know the kindness and love of strangers through the "pay it forward" that
Kari's spirit lives on through.
KEEP CALM AND KARI ON!!! Love You Denise, John and Jessie !!
2014-12-23 | (n.a.)
Yesterday when I was checking out at the grocery store, a nice gentleman let me go ahead of him. He must have sensed I was in a hurry. He gave me the Kindness for Kari card and explained. Today I am going to pay it forward in honor of Kari.

God Bless
2014-12-03 | (n.a.)
On November 26th, I was blessed to spend the day with John, Jesse, my brother Kevin & his family Sheila, Shane, McKaleigh,& Alannah. Our "Kindness for Kari" began at Animal Friends where we dropped off a donation of pet food & supplies and visited each & every cat, dog & bunny. The day ended at the local fire station where we dropped off chocolate chip cookies to the volunteer fireman. A very special day, with very special people to honor & remember our very special angel, Kari.
2014-11-28 | (n.a.)
I received Kari's cookbook from a neighbor as a gift about a month ago. She said something about a tribute to Kari, a relative, who died too young. I finally had an opportunity to look through it the other day, amazingly Nov 26th, her birthday. I love cooking and each year I bake lots of cookies as Christmas gifts. I will include one of the cookies from the cookbook in this year's batch with a note about Kari.
Her light continues to shine!
Janet Thornton
2014-11-27 | (n.a.)
In honor of sweet Kari, I payed the toll for the car behind me on my drive to Pittsburgh, love you Dennise and John, your often in my thoughts and prayers, love Janet
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