There are 125 entries in this guestbook

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Uncle George
2014-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy birthday Kari we love and miss you
West Penn OB/GYN Associates - Cranberry
2014-11-26 | (n.a.)
We received a beautiful basket in our office today filled with cookies and two cookbooks. We all have read through Kari's website and guestbook and it is clear she was loved very much, is missed very much, and touched many people's lives. We have taken a collection at the office and made our own "Kindness for Kari" cards. After reading all about Kari we have decided to pay it forward using something she loved. We are dropping off our cards and money to the Cranberry Max and Ermas for them to pass out the cards with a few orders of their half dozen chocolate chip cookies.

Happy Birthday Kari, you continue to touch lives. Heart Heart
2014-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy Birthday Kari - I love you and miss you very much, Dad sad
Uncle Kevin & Aunt Sheila
2014-11-25 | (n.a.)
Hi Kari, we just did our first kindness for you. When driving through a toll in West Virginia we asked the worker to please use the money we gave her to pay for the toll of the next 3 people and to please give them the paper that shares this website. Wouldn't it be cool if one of the people actually came on and commented on your page?
We miss you more than words can say! We think of you and talk about you to the kids so often. They are always seeing the hearts that you are leaving for them! Even though you are not physically here with us, you have left too big of an impact on this word to ever truly be gone. Happy Birthday to you in heaven sweet girl! We love you
2014-11-13 | (n.a.)
Twice I had Kari's Kindness coupons made at Office Max and twice Josh provided extra service at no charge - Thank you Josh!!
2014-11-12 | (n.a.)
Let the "Kindness for Kari" begin HeartHeart
2014-11-07 | (n.a.)
I still think about you. Something will happen and I find myself wondering what you'd say if you saw me now...I miss my penpal. Even though you were hundreds of miles away, you had a huge impact on my life.
2014-08-25 | (n.a.)
Hi Kari,

I still think about you often. You were a beautiful person and I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for the good times we shared. I miss you and I wish the best for your family and for you. I'll see you again someday.
Aunt Annie
2014-07-13 | (n.a.)
Hi, Kari!

I was so blessed to have you in my family.
You were quite but at the same time you were heard! There are so many fond memories I hold close to my heart! Today is a day of celebration. The young life you lived was so fulfilling.
I thank you for always being there ( in spirit Heart ) for us at the time we all need it! We love you sweetheart and we miss you. . .Kari On Heart
Patty Kochis
2014-07-13 | (n.a.)
I looked at today's date on my computer and I went to Kari's website. I watched all the photos in her tribute album. Her pictures are so beautiful, so photogenic.
I said a prayer for Kari and her family. She is loved. You are loved.
Your friend,
Patty Kochis
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