There are 125 entries in this guestbook

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A. Jean E.
2013-11-26 | (n.a.)
Dear John, Denise, and Jesse, As I visited Kari's special website tonight my thoughts and prayers are with you all and it is such a special place to reflect, revisit, remember, and feel all of the love that surrounds your family and the deep and abiding love you all share for your darling Kari. Denise, I have been burning a candle for Kari all day and the emotions of love and loss and remembrance are intense. Kari is waiting for your family reunion in a very lovely, and loving place. For now, enjoy your spot on earth and cherish your days together here on earth. Kari, your true sweet angel surrounds... Love you all Heart ...A. Jean
2013-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy Birthday Kari - I love you and miss you sooo much, Dad sad
deb (marshall) sage
2013-07-13 | (n.a.)
8-0 I got an email today from the star registry reminding me that today was the day kari's star was registered. She will always be in my heart and I will always be grateful for the wonderful friend she was to Kate. Kate will always carry Kari in her heart and mind. Your sweet girl is in Kona Hawaii with Kate and Pete right now.
I'll never forget. Love to all. 8-0 xoxo.
Deb Sage
Kelly Szejko
2013-07-10 | (n.a.)
John, Denise & Jesse,
You are always in my prayers but I will be praying extra hard on Kari's 7th anniversary in heaven.
2012-11-26 | (n.a.)
I know your all around us, always, I think I know why, so we can take care of your mom and each other awhile we grieve for you so. Your love is never ending, thank you for touching so many lives.
God Bless, xo
ann johnson
2012-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy Birthday, Kari! Miss you and think about you all the time. Thank you for all the "Heart Signs" you give us. . .they mean so much to everyone and are always at the right time! We know you are with us in spirit, sweetie!!! We love you and as always. . .Kari On!!!
John Samuels
2012-11-26 | (n.a.)
Happy Birthday sweetheart. I love you and miss you very much! Heart
2012-10-24 | (n.a.)
My heart breaks and eyes fill with tears as I look over the comments and pictures added since the last time I was on here. I miss you so much, Kari. It's amazing to see how many people you've touched/influenced, with only 18 years to live. I love you and think about you constantly. See you soon
Jackie Keough
2012-09-22 | (n.a.)
Missing you so much as the season of fall arrives more emotions set in not any less then i often think of your beautiful face...So many memories up at Linn Run you were so brave getting in that freezing cold water to go down the rock slide you had so much fun smiling saying that wasn't so bad and off you went down again...Miss our hikes and adventures LOVE and MISS you everyday!!!Your life touch so many Love you Aunt Jackie...KARI ON Heart
2012-09-04 | (n.a.)
Samuels Family,

I think of you often and I hope things are well with you. Karisa was an amazing person and you were such a great family to be around. You were always so kind and so inviting. I remember playing LCR one time with Mrs. Samuels, Kari, and Kari's Aunt and I always think of what a great memory that is. I really hope everything is great with you guys and I wish you the very best. I miss Karisa very much and I am glad to have found this site. She was a beautiful person and this is a wonderful way to remember her.

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